Midlands Apiaries Ltd
Free Range. Cage Free. Reared Wild – Naturally Potent!
PRIMAL By NATURE – Defining ‘Real’ Manuka Honey.
A celebration of nature’s wild gastronomic endeavours and a complex masterpiece of natural ingenuity, understood only to the Bee. Nothing added, nothing taken away. Raw, unpasteurized, authentic and real.
PRIMAL By NATURE is creamed to perfection, delivery a uniquely, velvety, silky texture that melts in the mouth and delivers a flavour explosion. Traditionally packed in Glass jars with Metal Lids and using uncoated label materials we have delivered both a message and example of luxury while maximising the recycling and second use options available.
PRIMAL By NATURE – The first fully comprehensive range of Genuine Authentic Manuka Honey produced in fully recyclable glass jars, suitable for reuse, redirect, repurpose or recycle. What we mean by fully comprehensive is a range that encompasses each and every major UMF Grade and MGO level from UMF5+ MGO83+ through to UMF25+ MGO 1200+ and above.
Finest Mono Floral Manuka Honey supported by the UMF Quality Mark, DNA tested, export quality, MGO Certified, GMO free, Raw and fully compliant to the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) Manuka honey science definition.
Every jar clearly labelled indicating the UMF Grade and MGO (Methylglyoxal) measurement. Informative and supporting the customer with clarity. Nothing hidden and nothing misleading. No customer confusion with variable, questionable and meaningless grading methodology. Keep it simple. The UMF Quality Mark is the only globally recognised quality assurance mark for Manuka Honey supported by rigorous independent certified testing and audit. MGO is a measurement of the naturally occurring chemical Methylglyoxal. Our label clearly identifies and depicts both values.
PRIMAL By NATURE is aimed as the first choice of the discerning, educated, environmentally aware, well read, health conscious, lifestyle focused, savvy consumer.
PRIMAL By NATURE is proudly produced by Midlands Apiaries. Harvested, Tested, Certified and Packed in New Zealand.