Industry Insights
Manuka-type honeys can eradicate biofilms produced by Staphylococcus aureus strains with different biofilm-forming abilities.
3月 25, 2014
Chronic wounds are a major global health problem. Their management is difficult and costly, and the developmen…
Bee products as a source of promising therapeutic and chemoprophylaxis strategies against COVID-19 (SARSR-CoV-2).
8月 13, 2020
The emergence of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in 2019 in China marked the third outbreak of a highly pathoge…
Manuka honey-impregnated dressings in the treatment of neurophatic diabetic foot ulcers.
3月 25, 2014
In this study, we investigate the effect of manuka honey-impregnated dressings (MHID) on the healing of neurop…
Antibacterial activity of varying UMF-graded Manuka honeys.
10月 25, 2019
Honey has been used as a traditional remedy for skin and soft tissue infections due to its ability to promote …
Therapeutic Manuka Honey: No Longer So alternative.
4月 20, 2016
Medicinal honey research is undergoing a substantial renaissance. From a folklore remedy largely dismissed by …
Honey in dermatology and skin care: a review.
3月 10, 2013
Honey is a bee-derived, supersaturated solution composed mainly of fructose and glucose, and containing protei…
Characterization of antibacterial substances in honey.
1月 25, 1997
Characterization of antibacterial substances in honey. There are two types of antibacterial agents in honey. T…
Multicentre prospective observational study on professional wound care using honey (Medihoney).
4月 25, 2012
Multicentre prospective observational study on professional wound care using honey (Medihoney) In recent years…