Industry Insights

Effectiveness of honey for symptomatic relief in upper respiratory tract infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis
August 18, 2020
Abstract Background: Antibiotic over prescription for upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) in primary care exacerbates antimicrobial resistance. There is a need for effective alternatives to antibiotic prescribing. Honey is a lay remedy for URTIs, and has an emerging evidence base for its use. Honey has antimicrobial properties, and guidelines recommended honey for acute cough in children….
The Effect of Manuka Honey on dHL-60 Cytokine, Chemokine, and Matrix-Degrading Enzyme Release under Inflammatory Conditions
May 14, 2024
A large body of in vivo and in vitro evidence indicates that Manuka honey resolves inflammation and promotes healing when applied topically to a wound. In this study, the effect of two different concentrations (0.5% and 3% v/v) of Manuka honey on the release of cytokines, chemokines, and matrix-degrading enzymes from neutrophils was examined using a differentiated HL-60 cell…
Exploring the Antifungal Properties of Manuka Honey: Facts and Findings
April 22, 2024
Unlike regular honey, Manuka honey contains a wealth of bioactive components that support wellness. Its methylglyoxal (MGO) is of particular interest for its antifungal properties. Manuka honey’s beneficial nutrients have been proven effective at stopping the growth of a wide range of fungal microbes including Malassezia furfur (skin fungal infection) and Candida Albicans (yeast infection). The unique nutrient profile of Manuka…
Agastache honey has superior antifungal activity in comparison with important commercial honeys
April 22, 2024
There is an urgent need for new effective antifungal agents suitable for the treatment of superficial skin infections, since acquired resistance of fungi to currently available agents is increasing. The antifungal activity of mono-floral Agastache honey and commercially available honeys were tested against dermatophytes (T. mentagrophytes and T. rubrum) and C. albicans (ATCC 10231 and…
Honey has an antifungal effect against Candida species
April 22, 2024
The incidence of Candida infections is escalating worldwide. The serious nature of these infections is compounded by increasing levels of drug resistance. We report that certain honeys have significant antifungal activity against clinical isolates of Candida species. Importantly, the minimum inhibitory concentration of these honeys would be achievable in a clinical setting. Irish, J, et…
Utility of the Leptospermum scoparium Compound Lepteridine as a Chemical Marker for Manuka Honey Authenticity
December 4, 2023
Manuka honey is a premium food product with unique antimicrobial bioactivity. Concerns with mislabeled manuka honey require robust assays to determine authenticity. Lepteridine is a Leptospermum-specific fluorescent molecule with potential as an authenticity marker. We describe a mass spectrometry-based assay to measure lepteridine based on an isotopically labeled lepteridine standard. Using this assay, lepteridine concentrations in…
AAO-HNSF: Honey Beats Antibiotics for Chronic Sinusitis.
September 24, 2008
Chronic rhinosinusitis associated with significant bodily pain that improves following surgery Honey is an effective bactericidal agent against common causes of chronic rhinosinusitis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus (SA), and chronic rhinosinusitis leads to increases in bodily pain that improve following endoscopic sinus surgery, according to two research studies presented at the annual meeting of…
The Medicine of the Manuka: An Investigation of the Usages and Methods for Utilization of Honey Derived From the Pollen of Leptospermum scoparium in Holistic Nursing Practice
March 27, 2013
As nursing moves into the next paradigm of health care, there is an increasing shift toward integrative health care that is founded on the integration of traditional or complementary medicines alongside biomedicine. As part of the shift nurses are increasingly observing clients accessing traditional forms of medicine. One such product that has been used for…